Loosing my Wisdom!

So, a commonly asked question is wisdom teeth. What are they and what do we do about them.

Lets start off with what they are. They are back teeth known as molars. We technically call them “3rd molars” and they are the very last teeth we have. Long ago, we had larger jaws that allowed us to have 32 teeth with no problems. However, we have smaller jaws now and a majority of the population has no room for these wisdom teeth.

What happens when we have no room, what happens to these teeth? Well, they get stuck. This is called impaction. Impactions have different types but all impacted teeth are stuck- most of the time under the gum tissue and in our bone. They don’t help us eat and they have zero function when they are impacted. In fact, impaction can cause problem- often time pain and possibly infection.

So, what do we do about impacted teeth, we want to avoid pain and infections. We remove them. Oral surgeons are specialists that remove these teeth and can put you to sleep.

Some wisdom teeth are not impacted. These teeth look like any other teeth in our mouths. What then? Well, it becomes a matter of how easy they are to maintain clean, cavity, and infection free. If your brushing and flossing habits are good, sometimes we can leave them alone. However, if bacteria is constantly building up around them, it is recommended we remove them as well.

So, how do I know if I need them extracted? Well, first step is to take a panoramic xray and my staff and I will go over the xray and give you our recommendations. Best tip is to get the diagnosis early, as removing teeth is less risky when you are young, and eliminate issues down the road.

Implants? What are they doing in your mouth!

So, you may be thinking to yourself what an implant have to do with teeth and what we are talking about. I know, when you hear the word “implant” most think about medical and cosmetic applications.

Well, implants have come to the world of dentistry and its making people with missing teeth a newfound way to smile. Just like the name implies, we implant a fake tooth to add function and beauty to your smile. So, why are they so great? Well, they are basically the closest thing we can get to natural root and tooth. It is essentially a “man made” tooth.

An implant is placed into the bone and mimics what a natural root would do. The implant’s specialized material (titanium), actually makes connections with your bone and over time, fuses and integrates with the bone. It allows us to essentially add a new root and from there a beautiful tooth made of ceramics and titanium.

The beauty of an implant is it is the most natural feeling and realistic looking option available. It allows us to recreate your smile the way mother nature would have made it- with a root and tooth that is held by your jaw. It is very different than bridges or removable dentures because those methods don’t add a “man made” root and thus not as effective and beautiful as an implant. Please come into the W Dental we will give you the latest and greatest way to recreating the perfect smile you deserve.

-Dr. George Wang

Keeping Teeth Healthy

Dental health is one of the most important responsibilities related to personal hygiene to ensure prevention of gum disease and plaque. With proper daily care, teeth will stay intact and function properly for a lifetime.

Floss Daily

Many people underestimate the importance of flossing, often considering it unnecessary and less important than brushing. However, flossing is at times more important than even brushing the teeth to ensure trapped food particles are released in crevices. If food is stuck in the gaps of teeth, it ultimately sits for several days to rot the tooth and create a cavity. This can also lead to infections and swollen gums, greatly contributing to gum disease.

Get Teeth Cleaned

Visit a Dallas dentist every six months to ensure build-up of plaque is professionally removed with a thorough cleaning. Teeth will also be inspected for cavities to ensure general maintenance is performed for healthier and stronger teeth. Having a professional cleaning twice a year will also ensure teeth and gums are well cared for a healthier smile.

Use an Automatic Toothbrush

Investing in an automatic toothbrush will not only prevent cavities, but will also keep teeth whiter and free of plaque by working to infuse the gum line with fluid for a through cleaning. Many of the toothbrushes also come with a two-minute timer to ensure that teeth are brushed for a longer period of time, making it easier to have healthier teeth.

Automatic toothbrushes are electrically charged for a more powerful, but a gentle cleaning that has a range of 9,000 to 40,000 movements each minute.

Brush After Eating Sugar

Although it’s important to brush two to three times a day, it’s also important to remove sugar in the mouth that can quickly work to rot teeth just 20 minutes after consuming a sugary beverage or snack. Carry a travel toothbrush and toothpaste when on the go and do a quick cleaning to prevent the sugar from having too much contact.

Whiten Teeth Naturally

Whitening trays and synthetic chemicals can take off the protective enamel on teeth, making them more susceptible to the effects of food particles.
Instead of restoring to harmful whitening chemicals to restore the color of teeth, opt for swishing with a small capful of hydrogen peroxide that’s diluted with water. The product will not only make teeth whiter over time, but will also kill germs in the mouth and prevent cavities.

My Gums Bleeds and what that means!


So, you see a little blood while you brush and floss and you think its nothing because it doesn’t hurt.  Well, in reality, its your body trying to tell you something.  Its a warning sign that your gums are inflamed.  What is this “inflamed” business you ask?  Well, inflammation is your body’s natural defense system when we are sick or injured.  It can be a swollen ankle or foot from a sports injury but it can also be swelling around infections and disease.  So, what does inflamed gums have to do with our oral health?  Great question and a very important one.

Our gums surround our teeth and play a vital role to our ability to smile and eat.  The bone that lies around the teeth are effected by the gum tissue that lay over it.  If the gum tissue isn’t health, the bone underneath it mirrors that.  So, what happens to the bone when the gum tissue is unhealthy.  A WHOLE LOT!  If the gum tissue is so inflamed and is trapping harden bacteria (aka tartar), your bone slowly disintegrates- it literally goes away.  If there isn’t good bone around your teeth, you get LOOSE teeth.  This is the “gum disease” or periodontal disease and it can start from some bleeding gums!

So, how do I take care of my bone and gums.  Its quite simple and you have heard it from grade school.  Good brushing and FLOSSING.  With good home care and routine visits to my office, we can prevent gum disease from destroying your bone.  So, the early signs of gum disease is a little blood while you brush and that’s when we want to nip it in the bud and prevent further progression of the disease.

You can get great tips on this blog and also under “patient education” section of the website.

Thanks!  Dr. George Wang

Healthy Foods For Kids Teeth

Brushing, flossing and regular trips to a Dallas dentist are some of the keys to keeping your children’s teeth healthy. You also need to make sure that your children eat a healthy diet. Below are some of the foods that keep your children’s teeth healthy:


Fruits are great for children’s teeth, but it is important to remember that some fruit are better for the teeth than others. Celery, watermelons and pears are some of the best fruits that your children can eat because they have a very high water content. Bananas and raisins are high in sugar, so you want to make sure your children brush after eating those fruits.

Crunchy Vegetables

Crunchy vegetables, such as celery and carrots, help stimulate saliva production. Saliva naturally cleanses the mouth and neutralizes the effects of acids that can damage the teeth. Furthermore, crunchy vegetables are high in fiber.

Green Vegetables

Broccoli, kale, spinach and other green vegetables are an excellent source of iron. Iron helps form a barrier that is resistant to acid. This barrier, or film, can also remove stains and protect the enamel.


Nuts contain several nutrients that keep your teeth healthy. You should make sure that your children eat a variety of nuts. Peanuts contain vitamin D and calcium. Almonds are high in calcium. Cashews help stimulate saliva production. Walnuts are packed with potassium, zinc, vitamin B6 and niacin.


Sugary beverages are one of the main culprits behind tooth decay. That is why they should be replaced with water. Water helps remove food from in between the teeth.


Milk is high in calcium. Calcium is one of the many nutrients that is needed for strong teeth. If your child does not like the taste of milk, then you should give him or her other dairy products, such as low-fat yogurt and cheese.

A well-balanced diet will greatly reduce your child’s chances of getting cavities. Nuts, milk, water, crunchy vegetables, green vegetables and fruit will help keep children’s teeth healthy. Children also need to see a dentist twice a year. Even though general dentists are qualified to provide care to children, you may want to consider choosing someone who specializes in children’s dentistry.

Gingivitis-What It Is and How to Avoid It

Gingivitis is a periodontal disease which literally means “inflammation of the gums.” It is caused by plaque buildup, which in turn is the result of bad or nonexistent oral hygiene. Gingivitis is characterized by redness, swelling, bleeding and pain in the gums, although these are just the symptoms in the first period of the disease. If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to instability and rot within the teeth as well as periodontitis. If you’re living in Dallas, a good Dallas dentist can help you avoid gingivitis from developing into full-blown periodontitis. 

There are two types of gingivitis: the kind brought on by plaque, and the kind acquired through non-plaque lesions. By far, plaque is the more common of the two. It can be worsened by certain medications, insufficient nutrition and other bodily ailments. Again, any Dallas dentist will know how to distinguish between the two and treat it accordingly. The way to get rid of gingivitis is to remove the root cause of the disease — plaque. Several trips to the dentist may be necessary to clean out the hidden plaque traps, but it will also be necessary to maintain good oral hygiene at home.

It’s fairly easy to avoid getting gingivitis, so long as you keep a regular schedule for maintaining the health of your gums and teeth. Make sure that you brush twice a day with toothpaste containing fluoride. This will help keep your teeth strong and healthy. Don’t brush right after you eat, since the acids in food cause the enamel coating on your teeth to soften. Subsequent brushing can tear that protective layer away. It’s best to brush in the morning before you eat and at night before bed. Otherwise, bacteria and plaque stay on your teeth and gums all night. Interdental brushes are available and even more effective at removing plaque.

Flossing is also an essential part of gingivitis prevention. Flossing removes food and plaque caught in between teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach. Floss at least once a day, preferably at night. Afterwards, gargle with an anti-microbacterial or alcohol-based mouthwash for around 30 seconds. Also, make sure that you’re getting proper dietary balance. Calcium is essential to strong, healthy teeth. Those with insufficient calcium are twice as likely to get gingivitis.

With just small, daily efforts at cleaning your teeth and gums, you can keep your mouth free from gingivitis and other gum disease.

Reasons to see a Dallas dentist

Most of us are of the view that a doctor or a dentist should only be visited in times of distress and if there is no need to see them then we should stay as far as possible from them. This is a wrong idea, especially for dentists and if you ever get a chance to visit dentists in Dallas, you will certainly change your thinking. Whenever, you will visit a dentist in Dallas, he or she will advise you to come to him regularly and keep on visiting for the sake of your health. The reason behind this is that your teeth are always vulnerable to different oral diseases and visiting a dentist is the one and the only option for you to keep on enjoying a healthy life.

In this article, we shall discuss top 5 reasons about why you should see your dentist regularly. Oral cancer is the first reason for you to see your dentist regularly and there are a lot of dentists in Dallas that will advise you to visit them regularly because of the intensity of this disease and the harmful effects it can have on a patient. According to a latest census, oral cancer is one of the most common diseases in the world and there are a lot of people that have this disease of oral cancer and they still do not know it. The problem with this disease is that it will occur to you without even possible for you to know its presence. According to the dentists in Dallas, the only way that you can stop this disease from spreading inside you or to cure it is to get it removed in the early stages. The only way you are going to do it is by visiting your dentist regularly.

The second reason for you to see your dentist regularly is to avoid tooth gum diseases. These are also the similar types of diseases and will start inside your mouth without you knowing their presence. These gum diseases can be removed at later stages as well, but it will cost you a lot of pain and money. To avoid this you will have to see your dentist regularly and this is one and the only way to stop these gum diseases to start inside your mouth.

Another important reason for you to visit your dentist regularly is to keep your teeth permanent inside your mouth. With the passage of time, the physical condition of your teeth will start weakening and if you were not that type of a person that visited dentist regularly then, believe me, there are a lot of worst possible things that you will have to face. In order to save yourself from all of those problems, my advice to you will be to visit your dentist regularly and to keep your clean all the times. By doing these simple things, you will be ensuring that your teeth remain healthy and so do you.

Dentists in Dallas are of the idea that if some disease can be controlled at earlier stages then there is no need for it to grow inside you. You should also visit your dentist regularly because it will help you in staying away from different types of emergencies regarding dental problems. This is a very important thing and if you will not visit your dentist regularly then there are a lot of problems that you will have to face.

Last but not the least, you should visit your dentist regularly because it will allow you to enjoy overall healthy life. Visiting your doctor will allow you to not only enjoy better oral health but it will also allow you to enjoy overall healthy life as well and due to that you should see your doctor regularly.